Soymilk production in Batch Tank: You can heat/cook pure slurry each time.
So, you are able to change frequently bean types and soymilk concentration (BRIX). After heating, the heated slurry comes out from Batch tank each time.
Soymilk production in Continuous Cooker : You can cook pure slurry in a continuous manner. Continuous type : Keep heating/cooking pure slurry which is crushed. (Continuous cooking/heating ) If you stop in the middle of this heating, you need to put heated slurry out from the continuous cooker. The operation does not stop in this machine, so this is suitable for small variety mass production.
Type of Soybeans : frequent change is possible.
You can control the way of cooking/heating .
e.g., 1st time, Japanese Soybeans, 2nd time, Canadian Soybeans 3rd time, Chinese Soybeans etc..
※There is a possibility of blending, it had better to wash when different soybeans types are used.
Batch Tank System is able to reflect directly customer's preference when they use heating/cooking process. Process capacity is adjustable ,thus there are no waste and advantage of decreasing of production loss.