Home > Introduction Records > Soymilk plant Mini-Star > ALOHA TOFU
■In1950,“ALOHA TOFU” had established in Hawaii. Japanese immigrant, Kamesaburo and Tsuruko Uehara had took over this TOFU Factory from their friends and started as
Their Tofu includes deep-water bittern (Nigari) which is filtration by lava of the big island. (Used: when the process of Soy milk curding). Using Nigari for soymilk coagulation process to produce TOFU, has special techniques and experiences are required; however; it is not well known.
ALOHA TOFU sells their TOFU at Japanese supermarket in Hawaii, their production volume is mass production; therefore mass production type facilities are equipped.
Moreover, they use our Mini-Star for producing high-Brix soymilk and supply high-quality TOFU for local Japanese restaurant.
This production is small quantity, but becomes differentiated product.
ALOHA TOFU is long-established store, their TOFU products-are made by strong passion and high-skill therefore, It is highly evaluated in local Japanese Restaurant.
We keep continued supporting for their business success.
Address:961 Akepo Lane, Honolulu, HI 96817