Home  > Introduction Records  > Soymilk plant Mini-Star  >  濃い豆乳(Koi-Tonyu)

Introduction Records


Taichung-City, Taiwan 濃い豆乳(Koi-Tonyu)

「濃い豆乳」KoiTonyu is the store which expands their business because of rise in performance.
The new shop has opened June on 2018.
Our machine Mini-Star is set by inside of the store; however, people can easily see the machine and manufacturing process of soy milk due to glass-walled from outside of store.
The store Brix 8% soy milk quality is stable and received high-evaluation from same trader of soy milk manufacture. This soy milk is significantly high-grade, but repeaters are growing. 

Address:Taichung No.77Mingyi Street, West District.
Phone:04 2321 2297