Home  > Introduction Records  > Soymilk plant Mini-Star  >  Yan Yan Dou ru 「泱泱豆乳」

Introduction Records


Shang-hai City, China Yan Yan Dou ru 「泱泱豆乳」

The Second branch of Yan Yan Dou ru has opened in Shanghai City, China.
The area is crowded by a lot of young people.
Many customers have lined up for buying their soy milk and breads.
Their drink is soymilk based and has a sweet flavor.
The bread-dough has soymilk and you can find many different kinds of breads at their shop.
They sell many health conscious foods. Using soymilk to the breads, it becomes taste very soft and protect the dryness of the bread dough. People love this flavor and this is well-received by them.

3-12Metro City 1111 Zhaojiabang Rd, Xu Jia Hui, Xuhui, Shanghai, China